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Josh and I met at a bar about four and a half years ago. We were both living in Colorado Springs at the time.

It was March 15th—a Saturday night—and the bar was throwing a St. Patrick’s Day party.  I was wearing my cute long-sleeved striped green shirt and was hanging out with a few of my friends from the bar. Josh, not a big fan of the bar scene, was convinced to come out by some friends of his. We didn’t interact much that night, but enough to know we wanted to hang out more. Our first date was seven days later.

We decided to meet at an Italian restaurant in Colorado Springs and I definitely remember being a little nervous at first. I was planning on getting my favorite Italian dish, Chicken Parmesan, but Josh ordered first and that’s what he chose. Not wanting to choose the same thing, I quickly ordered something else. About 30 minutes later, I told him what had happened and we had a good laugh about it. These days, we both get the Chicken Parmesan.

The one memory that really sticks out for both of us about that night is our in-depth conversation about Survivor. It’s still one of our favorite tv shows–we watch it every week!–and, not only were we able to talk in details about specific episodes, but we discovered that we had the same favorite Survivor: Parvati. We consider this to be our first major bonding experience. Not even kidding.

We saw each other every day that next week and, although I had some reservations about jumping into anything too quickly, Josh was persistent and we were officially boyfriends within a month and a half. Thank goodness for his persistence!

Looking back, we both knew within three months of when we started dating that our relationship was serious and was going to be long-term. People always say that “you know when you know,” and I thought that was the most stupid thing I’d ever heard. But it’s definitely true for us. Since our first few months together, I’ve never questioned that I’d end up with Josh. I couldn’t be around him enough when we first started dating and things really haven’t changed.

Some things really are that simple.

(Photo is of us shortly after we started dating, at the bar where we met.)